Ye'Tule-System Diplomacy

14 min read

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Shen'Ku stretched a bit as she started on all fours towards the System's Abassador's "mansions" without the burden of her personal guard. She was in her home and as a whole she enjoyed the computer's company, if for no other reason than to give it a hard time. Honestly she knew that each one of these mechanical being were likely far more intelligent than her, but she always felt as if she was talking to a child when around them. Partly because they somehow acted like one at times, unable to comprehend some of the more subtle nuisances no matter how hard they tried. But the seriousness of the matter kept her from looking forward to this simple pleasure... as there was a great deal of work to be done. So for today at least... she ignored the chirping of birds around her, as well as the pristine gardens that made up The Citadel's grounds as she walked to the cold metal building where the Ambassador "resided".

Unit 7-1752, better known as "Guest Among Friends", was currently residing inside the embassy mainframe. The embassy itself was a grey hexagon twenty feet tall. The gardens that the Ye'Tule had so nicely planted on the grounds ended abruptly thirty feet from the building on all sides, replaced with concrete. Multiple antenna crowned the roof, and occasionally various robots would enter and leave the building.
Shen'Ku's approach was of course detected, alerting Guest. Guest of course was very difficult to annoy, and welcomed Shen's visits if for no other reason than to gather data about the various ways and customs of the Ye'Tule. The several hidden hunter units therefore ignored the Ye'Tule as she skipped through the garden.

Shen'Ku smiled as she walked up to the building, smirking just a tad as she stopped in front of it, sitting on her haunches.
"You're Hunter Units are getting better Guest, though they still haven't been able to hide their metallic sent well enough yet," she said, in an almost joking manner.

Guest heard her, and decided to "have a little fun". A low powered laser began shining on Shen's rump, nothing deadly, just enough to cause some discomfort.

The old female yipped a bit as she stood up, her old bones creaking in protest at the sudden moment.
"I suppose I deserved that," she said with a wry grin. "Anyway enough fun Guest... I'm afraid we have a lot of business to settle today."

"Very well" Guest responded over the external speakers, and opened the embassy doors for Shen. "What is the important business Shen'Ku?"

"Honestly..." Shen'Ku started with a sigh. "I'm not quite sure where to begin. I assume you've been taking note of the activity going on within the system correct?"

"Of course" Guest replied. "Why is this activity happening?"

"Partly because we're redistributing much of the already processed Naquadah as we make greater use of the tantalum you've been trading with us, the element we're finding to be quite a reliably substitute in regards to civilian use," The Ma'Tule started. "But more importantly, we have come across another... faction for lack of better word whom we believe might be from another dimension."

"A new faction?" Guest zeroed in on this new information "Most interesting. Please elaborate"

Very well, roughly a week ago one of our Colony fleets were sent out towards what we believe is a section of space in the eastern half to be heavily colonized by other races. This proved to be true as the fleet came in contact with a faction composed of several races that calls itself The Union of Worlds, who almost mistook the colony fleet as an invasion force as they were already preparing for war on a galactic scale with their allies," she explained, just a little amused by how readily Guest seemed to take interest in this new development. Course she also knew her mechanical friend was part of a MUCH larger whole so she supposed it came with the territory. "The initial contact went well and from them we determined that this war they are preparing for is one... already starting, and two... will soon reach our region of space regardless of how the war goes."

Guest processed this new information. War on a galactic scale was not something that was pleasing to hear, especially if the forces in said war were likely larger than those of the System.
"That is disconcerting" she replied "Did you find out about any other information? We are not pleased to hear about this war"

"Neither are we... as I doubt either of our factions are ready to face such a war," Shen'Ku said back. "Though the information we've received from them we've only started to process, and we would like to see if The System would be interested in helping us sift through all the historical, language, and general information we've been given in exchange for aid in a joint endeavor that may help ensure our mutual survival."

"Perhaps" Guest answered "What kind of joint endeavor did you have in mind Shen?"

"A risky one, but one that is not without it's benefits, we have set up a colony several hundred light years away from our control space, within a region we believe to be uninhabited, the purpose of this colony is to allow The Union a place to send any refugees of the war to a safe place far beyond Union controlled space and the fighting for as long as possible. While we, and with your consent The System can provide protection for the refugees while at the same time gauging their technology and resources as we make use of the refugees in sustaining and fortifying the colony," Shen'Ku explained calmly. "All ships and resources are in a sense to be forgotten as their nave computers are to be wiped of any knowledge of our home systems except for a few that will ferry any new technology or resources that can be used to a greater effect in our home systems. As well the station would serve as 'bait' for any hostile force, as they would assault the colony without any knowledge of where our forces reside."

Guest considered the proposition carefully, at the same time contacting home about the matter. She had a response within moments, "We will participate in this endeavor with you. However we consider our own units priority, therefore if it becomes necessary we will ensure our survival."

"Understandable, for we will be doing the same," Shen'Ku stated with cold logic. "No matter what, the survival of our own factions comes first."

"I am pleased that we are in agreement" Guest said cheerfully. "Now what is this information you wish us to help you sift through?"

The Ma'Tule pulled out something very similar to a flash drive.
"Roughly 40 Terebytes of data regarding The Union, her allies, her enemies, their histories as far as The Union knows, ship descriptions of currently known ship types, and several hundred different languages we might have to know," she replied with a sigh. "And sadly it would take us months to sort through it all with our level of computing technology."

"Excellent" Guest replied "We will gladly help you sort through the information. Please insert the drive into the recieving port" As she said this, a port opened up on the wall to place the drive into

Shen'Ku nodded as she put the drive into the port. Inwardly grateful that they had made a copy of the information earlier. It would allow them to check how honest The System was being with them in regards to the information they'd be giving them.

"Please standby as we process the information" Guest replied
<UNIT 7-1752 DATA LOG:
The port opened back up. "We have finished compiling the data, here is your information" Guest said.

"Thank you Guest," Shen'Ku replied gratefully as she took the drive back. "This will be a great help to both our efforts I hope."

"Of course Shen'Ku, I am glad we could work together" Guest replied "Was there any other business that we needed to attend to?"

"Not at the moment..." Shen'Ku replied as she got up from her seat. "Unless you know of what military resources can be spared for the defense colony, then you'll receive the coordinates of the colony."

"Very well then. I will let naval control deal with dispatching units. They will await the coordinates"

"Thank you Guest," The Ma'Tule replied gratefully before she exited. "I believe we both shall be very busy in the days to come..."


Vunth'Car gave a low growl that went unnoticed as he listened to his Ule's bicker and argue amongst themselves, males that though he held in high regrade separately. Together at times they seemed to act more like a pack of cubs than actual Ule's as they all sat around the large conference table high above Tule Prime on it's Main battle station.
“I'm sorry Yal'Tee... but we can not afford to send such a large force to both escort Union refugees when we're preparing for the Krovaedian's next attack!” Ule Quin'Das said forcefully, the Ule having found a brief moment of respite as he organized the defense of his home system.
“Ule Quin have you gone mad? Of COURSE we can,” Ule Yal'Tee replied just as forcefully. The old black coated male almost rising from his seat. “We have on our hands the chance to gain powerful allies that we could rely on, unlike those machines...”
“I find that statement a bit premature Yal'Tee,” Ule Heck'Ra interjected before his younger counterpart could reply. “As of yet don't know what support we can expect from The System in the protecting of Union refugees as of yet. If it's significant then yes we would not have to move as many resources to the new colony depending on the aid they were willing to give. While at the same time I believe it might be in our best interests to end the conflict with the Krovaedian's as soon as possible. For we do NOT need our forces divided against two enemies of considerable strength.”
“As much as I'd like to agree with you Heck'Ra....” Ule Quin replied, the younger male getting more than a little frustrated. “My system at the moment is under siege and I DON'T have the resources to push the Krovaedians out of it yet.”
“Yet at the moment the situation is stable and you are holding the line with what you have Quin,” Da'Tule-Vunth'Car said, finally having enough of the bickering. “I'm sorry Quin... but as much as we'd like to reinforce your position, you already have roughly a third of our forces holding against them at the moment. Right now until we receive word on the level of support we can expect from The System for the refugee colony, we just don't have the resources to reinforce Vanna and for now you're just going to have to live with that simple fact. At the moment at best we can replace your losses, but that's it, you're just going to have to keep on being clever I'm afraid Quin...”
The younger male growled softly but lowered his ears in submission.
“Yes Da'Tule...” he said, still quite frustrated about the whole thing.
“If it means anything The Ma'Tule wants us to try to contact the Krovaedians again and broker some sort of peace treaty if possible,” Da'Ule Hurk'Kalm added in after a moments thought. “And if nothing else such contact could at least buy us some time till we can reinforce you Ule Quin. Which is the true resource we're lacking... time...”
The others nodded thoughtfully as that simple point brought the weight of everything that had happened over the past few weeks back into the forefront of their minds.
“That's why we need this colony more than we do pushing back the Krovaedians,” The Da'Tule said. “We have time to prepare for them... So we must make time so that the colony can be our fortress, so that The Pack can survive. Beyond that nothing else matters.”
The Ule nodded and grumbled in reply, they didn't like being this desperate... but right now what else could they do?

At the embassy, Guest had just finished receiving a brief transmission from home instructing her to let the Ye'Tule that forces had been dispatched. She sent a message to the appropriate Ye'Tule authorities, requesting a channel?

The Da'Tule and his Ule's turned to see the light on the conference table blink, letting them know they were being contacted. Ule'Hurk activated it quickly.
"Guest..." The Da'Tule said respectfully, even if he did find it odd to call the 'ambassador' by that. "I would assume you have news for us?"

"Of course" Guest replied, the hologram feed showing a pretty good CGI Ye'Tule female face, which of course was smiling "We have dispatched forces to the coordinates you designated"

Ule'Yal slid back a bit, the old soldier just a tad creeped out by how accurate the image was for a machine.
"Yes yes... good, we'll alert our forces already in system, how large of a force can they be expecting?" The Da'Tule asked, nodding gratefully.

"We will send a force of three battlecruisers" Guest responded

There was a brief moment of silence before Ule'Quin spoke up.
"Three battlecruisers... we're preparing a fortress system that HAS to stand against possibly half the galaxy and you're sending three battle cruisers..." he said, his voice more deadpan than it ever would be for the rest of his life. "I can see why we need to send a fleet of 200 ships if that's all The System can spare..."

Guest looked him straight in the eye and her voice leveled "Da'Tule, from the information you gave us, this 'Union of Worlds' is a semi-unknown entity, which you are devoting a significant portion of your forces to protect, despite being at war yourself with a seemingly numerically superior enemy. If more is required, more will be allocated as needed. I can assure you three battlecruisers is plenty security for now"

The Da'Tule nodded and sighed.
"Apologies on behalf of Ule'Quin then Guest," he replied, bowing his head graciously. "If you feel that is a significant force for now we can only trust your judgment. However if I may ask, we would like for The System to be there for our next encounter with the Kroveadians. We are planning to try and contact them once again and we would wish for The System to act as our Mediator should contact be established."

"Apology accepted" Guest replied, her avatar's expression returning to a smile. "A mediator? Why do you require a mediator"

"More of a precaution really," The Da'Tule explained, leaning forward just a tad. "There has been a lot of life lost on both sides of the conflict so far, and I feel that The System will be a calming force in the negotiations should there be any."

Guest paused for a moment, conferring with home again. She then spoke "I am sorry, but we are unable to do so at this time. Best of luck in your negotiations however"

The Da'Tule sighed.
"That's alright Guest... I expected as much..." he replied. "May I ask what other resources you're planning on committing to the new colony?"

"That is still being decided at this time" Guest replied, answering his question too fast of course to have conferred with control, although that is not to say most would've noticed.

"In other words you haven't brought it up yet," the Da'Tule said with a smirk. He knew how new blood was quick to make themselves look official in front of brass, and it comforted him to know that even those without blood still felt the need to do so.

"I brought it up the moment I notified control of the joint system proposal actually. I merely have not been notified concerning other units. If I am supposed to tell you something, I will know it." responded Guest

Ule Quin smirked, and held back a chuckle.
"Then we shall wait on Control's answer then, thank you Guest."

"Excellent" Guest replied, and cut the connection
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